
Code of Ethics

B-ADVANCY employees and all its associates strictly abide by this “Code of Ethics” and associated Compliance Principles as published in manuals, procedures, and contracts of employment.

The Code of Ethics under which B-ADVANCY operates includes the following:


• B-ADVANCY’s work shall be carried out in a professional, independent and impartial manner.

• B-ADVANCY’s work shall be carried out honestly, with no influence tolerated in respect to any deviation from either approved methods and procedures or the reporting of accurate results.

• Data, test results and other material facts shall be reported by B-ADVANCY’s in good faith and will not be improperly changed.

• All reports and certificates issued by B-ADVANCY shall correctly present the actual findings, professional opinions or results obtained.

Conflicts of Interest

• Conflicts of interest shall be avoided with any related entity in which there is a financial or commercial interest and to which services are provided.

• Conflicts of interest shall be avoided between the companies and/or divisions engaged in different activities but which may be providing services to either the same client or each other.

• Employees shall avoid conflicts of interest with the activities of the company.

• All employees shall be free from any conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest can include, but are not limited to, ownership or involvement in outside interests that could influence or adversely affect the employee’s performance or the Company’s reputation.


• B-ADVANCY shall treat all information received in the course of the provision of its services as business confidential to the extent that such information is not already published, generally available to third parties or otherwise in the public domain.


• No reward, gift, or favor in return for, or dependent on, the outcome of any work will be accepted and any offer will be reported.

• While the Company is Customer Focused in providing its service, it will not tolerate any breach of Ethics, Law, or Company Policy in order to satisfy Customer requirements, whether stated or implied. Any attempt to subvert this
policy is to be reported to management either through normal channels or the confidential facility.

Fair Marketing

• All employees shall
(a) conduct marketing (including comparisons with, or references to, competitors, competitors’ services or third parties) in a manner that is truthful, not deceptive or misleading or likely to mislead, and is consistent with applicable laws; and
(b) present itself in a fair manner; and
(c) ensure presentational information, including descriptions of B-ADVANCY’s network and affiliations, resources employed and services provided, is accurate and unambiguous. Any infraction of the abovementioned policies will subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.